Submit Equalization

Equalization requests for the second semester of academic year 2024/2025. Last day to apply is 2025-02-28


  • Foundation year courses description and transcript must be included.
  • In case there is no course description for any courses, it will not be equalized and student cannot object after results
  • Document scan should be clear, otherwise the request will be rejected. (Please do not use your phone to scandocuments).
  • Equalization only will apply for students who studied in local institutes (universities/colleges)
  • Once apply for equalization request, applicant will get a confirmation SMS within 10 minutes.
  • Initial equalization might take 4 - 10 weeks. Final equalization will be announced in the first 2 weeks of the first and second semesters.
  • Equalization results will be sent to applicant email address.


Submit Equalization
Data must be entered in English in following fields
Mobile Number
Current Specialization
Current GPA (GPA)
Last Educational Institution
Graduation Year
Specialization required
pdf, doc, jpg allowed, multiple files
Courses Description
pdf, doc, jpg allowed, multiple files